Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Been a while! Eden update...

We've been away from the computer for some time because we have had a lot going on here--caring for a newborn baby...birthdays for Chris, Noah and Opa Esposito...a week-long visit from Oma and Opa (G & G Esposito), schooling Ami, holidays.....So! Time to update everyone....

Eden is growing up fast--6.5 weeks now. She is probably 10 lbs or so? She had a pretty bad skin rash on her face (normal for newborns), but we have been treating it and it has gone away. She sleeps a lot still, sleeps well at night, even during that invariable window between 4 and 6 AM when she grunts and squirms and grunts and grunts and grunts again and again and again --UGH!--it keeps me awake....She is settling into a routine now, which makes life easier--oh! and she has started smiling a bit. Lucky Oma & Opa were here to see her first smiles.
Now, who does she look like?

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