Chris was watching a bunch of guys play soccer at the park--you know, he used to play. I guess Eden is more interested in who's behind the camera than a bunch of sweaty men kicking a ball around :o)
Amelie had an eye doctor appointment last week and we were happy to hear that her treatment for amblyopia has been successful! She has gone from a 20/100 refraction in her left eye to 20/25, which is nearly perfect. We will continue patching her eye for the next 2 months to try to bring her vision in the "bad" eye to 20/20. Good news!
This is Penny Peacock. S/he is the best--sweet and lovable. Follows Chris around the yard when he's pulling weeds, looking for bugs and worms. Runs after the kids. S/he is almost 2 months old now. We are getting another peafowl friend for him/her on Monday. Right now he hangs out with a couple tiny partridge banties, a couple turkey poults and 3 guineas. We won't know if its a boy or girl until he's about 3-4 mos old. I am hoping for a boy. Maybe his new friend will be a girl. I'd like to start breeding peafowl and selling eggs, chicks and adults eventually.